How to choose lighting for a home office?

Home office - how to design and how to light a home office?
More and more people are choosing the convenience of remote work. Hybrid work - some days in the office and some at home - is offered to employees by more companies. Sometimes, too, the profession simply forces you to work from home, and freelancers in particular know this. Whatever your reasons for working from home, one thing is certain. You need the right space for this
What to keep in mind when designing a home office?
Home office space should be chosen to provide as much working countertop as possible. So you will find it useful to have a desk or table there. You should also take care of the ergonomics of your work: the right height of your desk, an adjustable chair or a stand for your laptop or monitor. The tabletop workspace is designed to allow not only the use of electronic equipment, but also to allow written notes to be taken.
In addition, the proper lighting of the space is also of great importance here. Modern lamps today make it possible to arrange workspaces in a practical and functional way. Plan here, for example, for puro cantilever wall lamp, if your work requires illumination of the technical drawing you are working on and a graphics monitor. This is a good solution especially over a large worktop.
Also remember daylight! Lighting in the form of a ceiling lamp or wall lamp is one thing, but don't forget about natural daylight. Therefore, when planning your workspace at home, try to organize it as close to the windows as possible. Such a solution has a practical dimension: you will benefit from sunlight for most of the day, and the lamp will serve as additional support and illumination.
In addition, natural light has a positive effect on our well-being. Automatically we gain more desire to act and have more vigor. Better access to daylight also improves mood and mental comfort. It is not without reason that it is in autumn and winter that we most often complain of feeling worse - because the days are short and the sun rarely appears outside the window. With a well-sunlit workspace for illumination, for example, you only need. botanica white standing lamp.
Pay attention to the color temperatures of light
When choosing lighting for your home office, be sure to pay attention to the temperature of the light. This refers to the color rendering index (Colour Rendering Index), which is expressed in the unit "Ra".
It is from it that you will read the extent to which the light you choose mimics natural colors. The maximum value of the coefficient "Ra" is 100 - the higher it is, the better the light reproduces natural colors.
So how do you get this ratio to home office? 90+ best suited for rooms where it is important to distinguish colors and reproduce them as accurately as possible. So if you're a graphic designer, photographer, or simply working with projects where color matters, be sure to choose the highest possible color temperatures. For traditional office work, the best solution will be lighting in the range of 80-90 units.
In your search for the perfect home office lighting, be sure to also pay attention to the temperature of the white light, expressed in Kelvin. It is divided into 3 groups: warm light, whose color temperature reaches below 3300 K, neutral light varying between 3300 K and 5000 K and cold light above 5000 K. The warm color falls into a shade of yellow, neutral is closest to the color white, and cool approaches the color blue.
It is worth knowing that cold light stimulates action and helps concentration and focus. This makes it perfect just for the home office space. Warm shades of light, on the other hand, are conducive to relaxation and tranquility, so it is better to avoid such light in a place intended for work.

Work zone in the living room or dining room, and lighting
You are planning to create a work space in the living room and are wondering how to reconcile lighting for relaxation and work in such a case? Here a good solution will be, for example. gigi strip ceiling lamp. Spot lighting in the form of individual spots allows you to illuminate those spaces whose illumination you most need at any given time. What's more, they cast an even, soft light.
Such an option will work well not only as lighting above the workspace, but also as the main - placed in the central part of the room. If, after its installation, you find that any corner needs additional brightening, then you can choose to match the wall sconce.
You practice home office occasionally, so you do not set aside a special space for it and you simply work at the kitchen or dining room table? In this case, it is also worth taking care of a practical lighting solution, such as. wall lamp with extension arm.
It is a proposal for special tasks. If you don't need the extra illumination at any given time, simply move the lamp arm to the wall. On the other hand, if you want to illuminate a particular area on the countertop, you only need to move the arm. Importantly, its length is as long as 50 cm, so the wall lamp provides a wide range of arrangement possibilities. It has an on/off switch on the cable, so you run it independently of the main lighting. And on top of that, it looks neat and designer, so it will fit perfectly into modern interiors.

Bet on functionality
When planning your work space at home, put functionality first. For work, you mainly need tranquility and calmness, so include this aspect as well. The work desk should not be located in the place where the main life of the household members takes place.
If you don't have the opportunity to set aside a separate room for your office, keep an eye on a few rules: place the desk as far away from the TV as possible and so that you sit with your back to it. This way, the TV on will distract you less. A wooden standing screen, for example, will also work well to give you a bit of privacy. It will also be a good idea to separate the home office area from the living room or dining room with a bookcase.
Now you know what to pay special attention to when designing a home office space. Remember that the workplace should be conducive to concentration. Not without significance is the height of the desk or chair, but also the lighting. Take care of an additional standing lamp or wall sconce, and choose the right light color for it. Thus, you will create a functional space not only for work, but also for study.