How to choose the main lighting for the living room? Tips and hints

How to choose the main lighting for the living room? Tips and hints
Choosing the right living room lamps is the final stage of a long process. Before you find a model that will make everything "play" in the interior, you need to determine some important issues. Read how to choose lighting that will make your interior consistent, as well as striking.
How to plan lighting in the living room? Basics
First, if possible, make the most important decisions about the placement of lighting in the living room at the earliest possible stage - During design or prior to renovation. Together with the interior and electrical designer, determine which is the best way to run electrical wires and where to place sockets and switches - so that the room is as comfortable as possible to use.
Second, to determine exactly where, the main lamp in the living room should be located, necessarily designate the zones. Each zone will be dedicated to a different activity or activity (reading zone, dining zone, reading area, etc.).).
Third, once you designate the zones in the living room, you will easily place additional sources of light - utilitarian and decorative. Utility lighting is precisely lamps dedicated to particular zones, that is, lamps that will allow you to freely use the room after dark, whether you are reading or perhaps playing board games with friends.
Fourth, once you have determined the zones and planned the appropriate light sources in each zone, it will be easy for you to find the ideal location for the main lamp in the living room.
Why you should consider several types of lighting in your living room? This will make the interior interesting, creative, attractive and aesthetically pleasing. And how practical! Divide the living room into zones and design appropriate lighting in them, and you will allow an intriguing play of light and shadows. Here are some parts of the room drowning in darkness, while you cast a beam of light on others, accentuating and highlighting them. The living room begins to be associated with a stage or movie set - lighting builds the mood and even becomes a building block of the interior, one of the components of the arrangement.
Lamp for the living room - the most important rules
Usually the main lamp in the living room is also the lighting of the lounge area - relaxation areas. This is because this zone of the room organizes the space around it. This is the stage mentioned, and other elements of the arrangement or furniture are the background and additional details of the scenery.
Mostly we equip it with a lounge set, i.e. a sofa, sometimes two, and armchairs - depending on the needs and available space. A bench or at least a small, low coffee table must not be missing here either.
And usually it is over the aforementioned coffee table that we mount the main source of light, which is a beautiful lamp. Why this place is perfect? We do not have to worry about the lamp disturbing the household members, even if it is hung low. Moreover, this zone needs to be emphasized, accentuated - a striking, magnificent lamp will cope with this task almost perfectly. On the other hand, a pendant lamp of impressive beauty and size is not at all a universal solution. For smaller living rooms, low or narrow rooms or simply anywhere where you want to give voice to the rest of the lighting elements, it is worth choosing smaller lamps or a model with several light sources replace one or even opt for an interesting plafond.

What lamp for the living room as the main light source?
Depending on the available space, the division of the room into sections, but also the needs of the household members or the concept of the interior, you can choose between several types of lamps.
Pendant lamps for living room
Hanging lamp in the living room is a winning solution in most arrangements. They are most often used by owners of living rooms with a larger area, where it is possible to properly display a beautiful setting. Some of them seem to float in the air (this is due to thin steel cables), others are attached to thicker wires that are also decorative in nature.
A good example is the lamps from the collection Kaspa Cloe. With their shape they resemble blown glass. Hand-formed lampshades are irregular, non-ideal. And one of a kind - no two copies are identical! Cloe looks phenomenal placed in the focal point of the living room. If you want to achieve an interesting, non-obvious effect, shift that center of gravity and plan the main light source slightly to the side.
Chandeliers for the living room
Or maybe you're looking for something even more impressive and grandiose? In this case, we suggest: in your living room should hang chandelier! Chandeliers are rightly associated with classical and palace interiors, although we suggest modern models that will work well in many arrangements, including industrial (such as. Kaspa ASTRA).
Ceiling lamps for living room
What if you do not have a large space or an interior open to the kitchen or dining room? In such a situation, the best choice will be ceiling lamps. It's a compromise between elaborate pendant lights and plafonds. Some of our models are only 20-40 cm high, so it is a universal solution for many different arrangements. Just look at the lamp Kaspa Cumulus - this small work of art perfectly closes and organizes the living room space.
Plafonds for the living room
What, in turn, to choose for a low room - for example, a living room in the attic? Here it will definitely work plafon for the living room such as Kaspa Space. You can install a single, wide fixture in the center, and then complete the lighting design with sconces and standing lamps.

How to match the living room lamp to the interior style?
You already know what to follow when designing lighting in the living room and what type of lamps will pass the test in your case. Last but not least, it is important to adjust the lamp in such a way that it perfectly corresponds to the style of the interior. After all, details such as luminaires, lampshades, fixtures can be an element that completes the arrangement and conceptually closes it or, on the contrary, introduces a certain dissonance. Here are some examples.
Kaspa Merida is an example of lamps for a classic interior, but in a modern, elegant edition. Transparent glass allows light to penetrate freely, while exposing the colorful tubes hidden inside the shades.
Kaspa Venus is in turn a beautiful addition to a 1950s-inspired interior. Phenomenal lampshades will complete the retro look or make an unusual addition to a classic living room.
Lamps Kaspa Zoe take us back to the golden age of Hollywood. Thanks to Zoe, interiors romance with art déco style, neo glamour or combine many different accents, becoming a perfect example of eclectic arrangement.
There is no single way to have a tastefully decorated and perfectly lit space. It is a combination of many ingredients, each of which is of great importance. However, it is worth following the described instructions: first, divide the interior into zones, including lighting, then think about the type of lamp, and finally make sure that it matches the style of the arrangement.